THE UNTOUCHABLES Monologue by Ike Willis Rico! Youngblood! Wake up! Prohibition is over, but the country's still a mess! They need us out there! especially when it comes to THIS GUY... Get those sport coats on with the big lapels... of the suspects from the 80's... ADMIRAL POINDEXTER! Get back on Felix The Cat where you belong! Get the damn pipe out of your mouth! You're history, you're gone! OLIVER NORTH! No more "Secret Government" for you, buddy! You're over! you're trough! BILL CASEY! You're dead! BUSH! DEAVER! NOFZIGER! You're crooks! Book 'em Dan-o! Dan-o? How'd he get in the show? Get outta here! REAGAN! You're asleep! Wake up! The country's in a mess! In fact, it's Robin Leach! "I don't know why..." I want it now! Rico! Youngblood! Let's get outta here! It's all over!