Masterhood Of Hearts Devouring People, listen, for whom the war beautiful, international brawl I'm in no mood to bargain make me know the name of land There's no day without war selling conflicts is my job the business is payable you wanna buy massacre - money on the table god bless this fuckin' deal it's only ripping hearts I'm a juggler of the fate (x2) People, listen, for whom the land a brand new contry with a pretty flag I'm a prominent hate expert I'm a juggler of the fate I'm a pure businessman I trade in disasters everything is practiceable you wanna fill cemetery up - money on the table god bless this fuckin' deal it's only ripping hearts you must only come and pay (x2) People, listen, for whom pestilence an exeptional virus - the killer million victims guaranted first day you must only come and pay it's my unwritten law crime, genocide is my play it's profitable activities you wanna buy a war - money on the table